Dr. Francesco Bernardini


Francesco Pietro Bernardini is an oculofacial plastic surgeon, completed his two-year fellowship training in Oculoplastic surgery at the University of Cincinnati (1998-2000).  His private practice “Oculoplastica Bernardini” is based in Genova and Milano. Dr Bernardini is  active in teaching as a Professor at the Dept of ophthalmology of the University of San Raffaele, Milan. Dr Bernardini has published 70 indexed scientific papers and contributed with multiple international book chapters.

Dr Bernardini is member of ASOPRS (American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery), AACS (American Academy Cosmetic Surgery), EAFPS (European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery and OS (Orbital Society). Dr Bernardini is international Key Opinion Leader for Teoxane and international Guru for Revance Aesthetics.  He also is Editorial board member of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal.